Malwin Faber


Painting, Installation

About Malwin Faber

Sometimes loud, sometimes quiet, sometimes reduced and clear, sometimes exuberant – such are the paintings of Malwin Faber. Like a melody that crescendos and decrescendos, that is both serpentine and straightforward, the brushstrokes dance across his canvases. Individual pictorial elements keep repeating like traces, motifs that connect different works to create a coherent sequence.

Nevertheless, each individual picture expresses its own individual atmosphere. They are not so much narrative as they are to be experienced subjectively, taking the viewers on a journey into a world of color and emotion. This journey can even be experienced spatially to some extent: individual elements wander into real space in the form of sculptural objects. The installations resulting from this provide an opportunity to dive into the images in the truest sense.

Malwin Faber (*1990) studied painting and communication design at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) from 2010 to 2014 and interdisciplinary art at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in Ramat Gan, Israel, from 2012 to 2013. Recently his work has been exhibited at a solo show in the Markert Kunstforum, Hamburg, as well as exhibitions in Neurippen, Berlin, and in Munich. Since 2021, Malwin Faber has held a teaching position at the HAW Hamburg.