Arne Lösekann
Installation, Concept Art
About Arne Lösekann
How does travel change our perspective? To what extent is the horizon of our experience reflected in the worldviews of other cultures? Where can we find similarities or differences? Arne Lösekann creates his installations with a critical eye, yet always with a touch of poetry. The impressions that he has gathered during his travels through South America, India, China, Russia, the USA, and Europe, as well as the questions that arise from those impressions, take shape in his installations in powerful, sometimes unsettling, yet fascinating ways.
In the process, he is always concerned with certain narratives: being in transit, travelling and arriving, temporarily mooring in the home port, and the search for one’s own identity. These are the subjects that emerge in his work and have tangible connections to his encounters during his travels. In his most recent work, the question of archiving cultural heritage plays a central role: What should we collect? How much of it? To what extent does this heritage define our identity? The installation will become a permanent presentation at the Museum Molfsee.
Arne Lösekann (*1977) studied Civil Engineering, Environmental Technology, and Architecture at the TU Harburg and the HCU Hamburg. While studying, he already took part in numerous exhibitions. For his final project, he conducted a series of performances in Mumbai, India, and in Hamburg. In addition to international exhibitions, for example in India, his works have recently been shown in the exhibition “Ich. Norddeutsche Selbstbildnisse aus 100 Jahren” at the Kunsthaus Stade and at the Wenzel-Hablik Museum in Itzehoe. In 2015, Arne Lösekann was awarded the culture prize of the municipality of Pinneberg. Aside from his own artistic activities, he has also been operating the xpon-art gallery since 2007, an off-space where thematic group exhibitions are held in order to provide a space for discourse and the exchange of ideas.